Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another birthday

Ovallete, Quick75, Emulsifier- They are all the same it seems.*
My sponge cake didn't turn out the way it should be :(
Not even for the second time.
I could not figure out what went wrong.
My oven?
It seems ok when I bake biscuits for CNY hamper.
But of course after make up the cake looks better :p

The surface is not smooth due to cake texture :(

I found something about ovalette here

Quote the blogger "If you are wondering what it is made of, these are the ingredients on the label: Monoglyceride, Polyglycerol, Polysorbate, Sorbitol, Propylene Glycol, Tartrazine and Water. In summary, it's an emulsifier."

And I found ovalette maker from Turkey 
Quote the blog:
It is a gel type emulsifler and stabiliser for sponge rolls and cakes.It doesnt contain any animal ingredient


-The product

-Reduces the quantity of eggs used,by 50% as opposed to the conventional methods

-Allows ( All in Method ).All the ingredients can be whipped together for just 5-6 minutes as opposed to the conventional methods which take more than one hour.

-Brings a high standard production and avoids waste.

-Increases the quality and the shelf life of the finished products.


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