Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I woke up this morning feeling like making something traditional. And I thought of "Harisa". Been a long time since I made "Harisa". But the thing is, not many knows how to eat/appreciate it not even me hehe. Whenever I made this dish, I have already planned who to give it to. That was when I'm in JB. From where I am staying now, I don't think it worth stirring for hours. (You have to stir for at least 2 hours under low fire).

Harisa is an old traditional arab savoury  which has been taken by Johorian especially the palace as their traditional dish. Even the arabs from arab countries frown when asked if they knew what harisa is. When I looked in google I found out that it is a name for some sweet dish from Tunisia which is totally different from what my harisa is. And when I google arisa or arissa I ended up looking at some girls picture of that name huh!

Anyway, here is the recipe for harisa. I have the picture somewhere, will put it here if I can find it.

1 kilo of meat (chicken, mutton or beef )
800 gm quaker oat (you can use terigu to replace this. Not sure what terigu is in English)
2 packet of kurma spice or beriani (the small 50sen each)

1/2 tin of milk
225 gm ghee
a bit of cinnamon, star anise, cardamom, clove
salt to taste

2 garlic
a bit of ginger
some shallot

1. Boil meat with cinnamom, star anise, cardamom, clove and salt until cooked.
Tear the meat into fine bits (do not blend the meat in blender as it will lose the taste).
Keep the stock and throw away the cinnamon, star anise, cardamom and clove which has been used.
2. Soak oat and meat in the stock for an hour.
3. Stir under low fire and add in the pounded ingredients with kurma or beriani spice and milk.
4.Add in salt.Stir until the meat blend with oat and cooked.
5. Add ghee. Stir until ghee blended with the rest of ingredient for about 2 hours. The whole thing will become oily and you will smell the strong smell of ghee. Take out some of the oil to reduce it from becoming too oily.
6. Put the cooked harisa into a tray or mould. Make a small hole in the middle.Add some oil taken from it before into the hole. Garnish with fried garlic.
7. Two ways of serving - i) with honey  or ii) garam lada or just chilly sauce.

Couldn't find my harisa pic :( So I curik someone else's pic online huhu. Hope orang tu tak marah!

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